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A new fresh blog site

Soc Virnyl Estela | 2022-12-04 | updated: 2023-04-02 |reading time: ~2min


So last year, I decided to write and create a blog site because I thought I can start writing my thoughts during my free time. It's probably now in the wayback machine 🤷. zerm was my fav zola themes but well, I really kind of wanted to make my own theme.

What I learned§

I thought it was easy, and actually while writing this, it's never in its final form yet. I have to learn the Tera syntax and templating engine just to understand how to create themes for zola. Pretty sure there were some breaks here and there. It's fun but damn, it took me a lot of braincells and internet searches just to get what I want.


Since this is just a short blog post, I will just end it here. It's just me giving my reason for writing a new blog site with a new theme I created. If you want to take a look at the source code of the theme, you can find it in https://codeberg.org/uncomfyhalomacro/jera.


I finally fixed a lot of things with the new zola theme template jera! I will add more features slowly for the time being. I think I am liking it's simplicity! I am no web developer nor a web designer but I am glad I fixed a lot of things like floating and dynamic TOC. More updates soon.

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